Kevin "Part Time Kevin" Day from Part Time PR often sends me press releases, which I've used for tons of coverage, as well as interviews, here on The Witzard and for an array of sites for which I contribute; some of those acts including Crossed Keys, Dirty Shrines, DIVIDED HEAVEN, Elway, and more. So, now, it's been a pretty cool, full-circle momemnt to be recieve press from/for and be able to cover one of Day's own bands. It's my pleasure to introduce Philadelphia's newest Punk band, ERRTH. Showcasing both current and former members of ASPIGA, Public Serpents, Reunions, and Seeing Snakes, ERRTH takes their love of bands from The East Bay & Chicago and adds their own Northeast attitude into the mix. ERRTH, actually, just played their first show as part of Crossed Keys' Believes In You record release show back in May. Their debut EP is made up of two blistering tracks that showcase two of the band's three song-writers. "Control," written and sung by Kevin Day, is a punchy number that is accented by a bouncy bassline and bursts of group vocals. "Sleep All Day," conversely written and sung by Eric Saylor, is more anthemic in its approach and allows the guitars to shine.

The songs were recorded by Arik Victor (Plow United, KILL YOUR IDOLS) at Creep Recording Studio, then, sent to Scott Goodrich (Culture Abuse, Broadway Calls) to be mixed, and finally, handed off to Dave Downham (Beach Slang, mewithoutyou, Into It. Over It) for mastering at Gradwell House. Control / Sleep All Day is available now on all of your preferred streaming platforms. ERRTH will be performing at Philly's own Kung Fu Necktie on Wednesday, July 19th with Arms Aloft & Guerilla Poubelle. Formed in December of 2022, ERRTH is the newest addition to Philadelphia's vibrant Punk scene. Including Kevin Day (ASPIGA, Graduation Speech,) Eric Saylor (Reunions,) Tim DeMarco (ex-Public Serpents,) and Brian McClure (Seeing Snakes,) ERRTH mixes the influences of East Bay, Chicago, and Northeast Punk bands for an end result that is familiar yet refreshing. With three different song-writers at the helm, each identity has a moment to shine, but is strongly reinforced by the group as a whole. Since its inception, the band has spent every opportunity writing together and their debut EP, Control / Sleep All Day, is just the beginning of what they have to offer. So, stay tuned and keep an eye out for their debut album in 2024.